Hey dudes and dudettes!!!
So yesterday it SNOWED!!!! It was SOOOOO epic! Leah and Kirsten and I got bundled in our coats and we piled out there. :D I was soooo excited to be out in the first snow of the year! I jumped around and threw snowballs and made a snow angel. Then us girls got together and built a snowman! We found some stems for arms and rocks for eyes and buttons. It was too small for a mouth and we had no carrots. The nose was kind of shaped into the snow, and it looked like a penguin. Snow Penguin. Hahaha! Here are some epic pictures:
Let it snow!
After that we were soooo cold and wet. Seriously, we were wet. Quinlyn, not wanting a visit from DPS, immediately dried us off and took off our wet clothes even before changing herself! Kirsten was wet down to her skevvies (insert Kirsten screaming at me that they're called pantalettes here). Leah was the warmest, as she had on a sweater under the coat. I was freezing, but I didn't really care considering when it snows that's the only time I can pummel Leah and Kirsten and not get grounded. :D
Anyway after we dried off we huddled in some blankets and sat around the Christmas tree, since we don't have a fire. But there were so many lights on it it generated enough heat for us. I had to share my blanket with Coconut. He's quite spoiled. But when I look into that wittle cute face of his I just can't say no!!!
After we got warmed up Kirsten made soup for dinner and Leah turned on the TV to Hallmark channel, which is basically our life during Christmastime because of all the awesome movies!! Our new favorite is An Old Fashioned Christmas. I've seen it twice already and I want to see it again. Kirsten and Leah love it even more than I do, to the point of jumping out of their seats and screaming at the exciting parts and sighing crazily during the romantic ones. At those times, I get a re-fill on popcorn, which saves me from getting jumped on if Leah gets a bit too excited. Kirsten is far too refined to jump on me. Unless she knows something I don't...*looks suspiciously over shoulder*
So that was our snowday!
Cya guys later-it's time for lunch, and I have to go tell Leah that she'd better not start the movie without me!!
Love you guys,
Julie Albright
Hey Jules! You are soooo lucky thatt you can play in the snow! Out winter break doesn't start until NEXT Friday!
OOOooooohhhhhh .. looks like you had a blast in the snow .. KEWL .. we had snow for awhile too but it is gone around the house now and all over still up in the mountian ..
We love you guys' coats they are so neat .. and the colors look great on you too ..
Merry Christmas!!
I LOVE your coats! My dolls can't wait untill tomorrow- that's when it's supposed to snow here!
Cool! You had snow! Looks like you had a lot of fun. :-)
Ah, VeggieTales...that brings me back to when my friend and I sang it at the top of our lungs in the cafeteria a year and a half ago. Larry and Bob the snowmen sound cute. :)
Hey Julie!
its cool that you got to play in snow! my sister Samantha got to play in snow the other day.
Merry Thursday!!!
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